Scoil Naomh Seosamh
We believe in education of the whole child: intellectual, moral, aesthetic, social and spiritual. As teachers, we prepare children for further education and would like to see all our pupils grow up to live full and useful lives as adults in society.
Our aim is to provide a learning environment in which each pupil is encouraged to develop his/her capabilities to the fullest possible extent. The pupils in our school are expected to give of their best and achieve high standards of work and behaviour. Put simply, we want each child to do his/her best. We believe that a child who is happy in school makes the best progress.
Parents are welcome in our school at any time. When you wish to meet with a teacher we would however, request you to make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. It is unfair to arrive unannounced at a teacher’s door, mid-lesson, and expect them to abandon his/her class to speak to you. Through co-operation and mutual support, we can help each pupil at the same time acquire the skills, which will help them on the road towards adulthood.